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Monday, 6 June 2011

CEPT college film and new host family

New day and a lot of new changes, for one i was now offered a new permanent host family. Sagas, my new host brother is young and a bit of a 'ladies man' but has a great sense of humour and a good bunch of friends.
My home is lovely, about 25/30 minute bus/ rickshaw or 5minute bike hop with Sagas as his bike is rather loud and equally fast. It is a 3rd floor apartment situated in a quiet part of the city next to ;the circle' bus lane. It has an open plan feel to it, 3 bedrooms, 3 showers, 1 bath, a dainty kitchen off of the dining room and a couple of galleries/ balconies. One of the bedrooms is called a cold room with a huge a/c fan machine and double glazing to not let the cold air out. it is a solid 25 degrees, perfect for sleeping here.

After another day hiding from the intense sun in the office, Kavan met up with me to go to a film evening in a local college. I was not ready for the sheer beauty of the little campus. The story behind being the architect was a previous graduate from the college across the road, this project happened to be his first contract. the vision of the campus was to make it blend into the forest area, causing as little damage to the habitat and tying to incorporate a historic portrayal: "Spot the peacocks"

I feel so ashamed to be looking like such a typical tourist! The hat just sets the tone.

In the total construction of this college, roughly 14 acres or so, only 3 trees were removed/ cut down. And there is till some incredible wildlife in the forest gardens all around the college grounds.

This little critter has to be my favourite so far and the closest thing to Kelloggs back home. He was actually quite large about the same size as an adult bearded dragon, a foot+ long.
These lizards are commonly known to reach lengths in access of 6 foot and feast on the locals at night! that might be lie but as certain people were not impressed by my vicious monkeys, i guess i will have to try harder.
Having had the chance to watch the factual film about water and the effects of certain plastic bottles etc. we went to Subway to feel better about ourselves. Those of you who have traveled will be aware of the veg/ non-veg menus.... veg = veg & non-veg = meat. I had a bit of the veg option and was pleasantly happy with the result.
Having enjoyed our £1.50 subway meals we hit the road...
I hope this is a semi-decent representation of the craziness of having no traffic lights on main crossroads....never a crash!

Next morning, 6am and training commenced in a park called Law garden, very very pretty and a truly lovely place to chill under a tree and people watch and have chipmunks playing chase around your feet. Introduction to basic horizontal stacking and wall zone breakdown on offence tactics and it was time t get out of the sun before it started getting outrageous (now 8.30am).
A rickshaw rally later

dodging the odd cow, camel and elephant

to a local drinks parlour and a pineapple juice later (or strawberry suprise for Sagas) and we were all feeling better. Cold coffee was actually rather good as my first experience of coffee although very week and milky i think. I went for the grape juice, good shout!

The end to my first week!

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